Computing and I.T. Department in Eldoret National Polytechnic is among the oldest formed, just two years after inception of the Polytechnic. We are particularly proud of our graduates, many of whom are leaders in Academia, Industry and Government. The staff in the department are:
- Mr. Shandrack Yebei – HOD
- MR. Samson Korir –D/HOD
- Mrs. Vivian Sambuli
- Mr. Dixon Wekesa
- Mr. Josphat Kolum
- Mr. Keino
- Mr. Emmanuel Sawe
- Mrs. Emily Mutai
- Miss .Jael Tanui
- Mr. Levy Ngetich
- Mr. Cornelius Kwambai
- Mr. Edward Too
The department has consistentily improved its pass rates in National Exams and especially commend DICT Module III for their exemplary performance where all the July 2015 class candidates had CREDIT. Currently the department is working Centum Learning Limited to run a digital skills course for all the students in the Polytechnic. This will prepare the students live in the digital world. In its endeavours to improve teaching facilities, the Polytechnic has acquired two smart boards. This will go a long way to enhance ICT integration and make teaching and learning enjoyable. In extracurricular activities, the students in the department have been very active a number of them represented the region in the annual Science Week at KICC in May and performed very well. Two members of staff have also been actively involved in training Primary School teachers in the Digital Learning Project (DLP.) DLP is a very important National exercise and the department is very proud to be associated with.