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06 July 2023
Nyachiro K. Joan

The study sought to find out the e-learning tools adopted by selected institutions of higher learning in Kisii County. To achieve this, the study used a descriptive survey research design that was qualitative. The target population comprised institutions of higher learning in Kisii County from which an accessible population of two institutions was drawn; one was a public University and the other was a TVET institution. The target population for the study was 400. A sample size of 80 respondents was arrived at using the Yamane’s formula of 1967.  Simple random sampling method was utilized to select 80 respondents with a representative of 40 respondents from each institution. The sample consisted of 20 teachers and 20 students from each institution. The participants completed questionnaires from which the e-learning tools employed by each of the institutions were determined. The questionnaires comprised of both closed-ended and open-ended items. These e-learning tools included the asynchronous tools and the synchronous tools. The asynchronous tools consist of Google classroom, YouTube videos, WhatsApp and e-mail whereas the synchronous ones include all forms of video and audio conferencing, Moodle, Zoom, Web Conferencing, Big Blue Button, Lockdown Browser, Respondus, Chat Rooms and Telephone conversations. To achieve the study objective, the Instructional Core Framework was employed. Two institutions that did not participate in the study group, was selected randomly for a pretest. The split halves technique was used to ascertain the reliability of research instruments. From the study, it was evident that institutions of higher learning did make use of several e-learning tools in teaching and in the COVID-19 period. Based on the findings, the study concluded that public Universities were much ahead in adopting online teaching and learning in comparison to TVET institutions. Therefore, the government of Kenya should revamp Information Communication Technologies in TVET institutions so that they are able to establish their own Learning Management Systems and equip trainers and trainees with skills sufficient enough to enable them transition to online teaching and learning. The study recommends a nationwide study in all tertiary institutions with the aim of assessing the success or failures of e learning during the COVID-19 period.