The ultra modern library and information center offers in one central location, all the resources necessary to support teaching, learning and research, making the library the intellectual hub of The Eldoret National Polytechnic.The library promotes and maintains a wide variety of quality services that will support the Programmes of the Polytechnic and encourage optimal use of the information resources. By understanding the dynamism of a library and library services, the Polytechnic library lays emphasis on acquisition of relevant, authoritative, up-to-date materials and promotes quick access and delivery of information by integrating information communication technology in its functions. For research, library users access more than 30, 000 volumes on site as well as electronic catalogues, databases, subject guides, encyclopedias, dictionaries and e- books collection.We will soon avail E-Books that will create a variety of learning and collaborative environments,to support individual learning with custom-designed study carrels and tables.
About Library

The Eldoret National Polytechnic (TENP) Library was constructed to cater for the information needs of the Polytechnic community assigned to the campus then. It presently caters for all the departments in the Polytechnic College, by providing access to E-journals and other reference materials. It serves a user population of over 9,000. A new ultra-modern library will be construction and will be commissioned soon. This will greatly improve access to library services to both students and staff at the Polytechnic.
The town campus Library users can now use internet wireless services (wifi). The service has been made available through the support of the College Principal and MIS.The wifi services will facilitate the following; Access to internet and electronic resources using laptops, Ipads and smart phones therefor Increasing usage of subscribed electronic resources. Users can seek assistance from Library or ICT staff in order to have their devices connected.

Day | Open | Close |
Monday - Friday | 8.00 A.M | 8.00 P.M |
Saturday | 8.00 A.M | 5.00 P.M |
Sunday | 1.00 P.M | 5.00 P.M |