The department of eLearning at TENP is committed to increasing access to education, improving student-learning outcomes, and holding constant or reducing instructional costs by effectively utilizing technology in course delivery redesigns. The department of e-Learning (CeL) has been established to provide central support and accountability for Learning. In support of department and curriculum, the department of e-Learning collaborates with all academic departments within academic affairs. In support of students, the department of e-Learning collaborates with Heads of departments, the Library, the Registrar’s office, MIS, and other units as they relate directly to the support of e-Learning students.The department of e-Learning fosters the pedagogic integration of technology into the design of teaching and learning processes through collaborative efforts with departments and other instructional technology personnel. It is where teaching, learning and technology intersect to meet the rapidly changing educational, social and economical environments in today’s global society.
Integration of ICT in Teaching and Learning.
The department is also part of a team that strategises on the use of ICT in teaching and learning. In this regard, we advise the administration on emerging technologies including use of AI in education, Collaboration tools and Virtual realities. We have continued to automate various services within the polytechnic including the development of TIMS- a software developed in collaboration with Computing and Informatics department. The software automates the processes and procedures of clearing trainees for national exams. Our vision is to make the institution a Centre of excellence in the use of ICT for teaching and learning as well as the automation of services' for efficiency and convenience of all users.
The Eldoret National Polytechnic ODeL Policy

The Eldoret National Polytechnic has established an Open, Distance, and e-Learning (ODeL) policy to guide the implementation and management of its digital learning programs. The ODeL policy ensures that students have access to quality education through flexible learning modalities, catering to diverse needs and circumstances.
The Key Components the policy addresses include Course Delivery: Learning Management System (LMS): Support Services: Assessment and Evaluation: Faculty Training: Quality Assurance and Policy Compliance: For more about the policy, download the ODeL Poliy Below