Welcome to the Examination Office of the Eldoret National Polytechnic. The examinations function of the Polytechnic is housed at the Examination Office, on upper floor of the Administration Block. Our mandate is to; management and coordinate Polytechnic examinations process, to process and issue academic transcripts and certificates, to coordinate and supervise examination processing by examining units, to process and generate graduands list and to act as the custodian of all college academic board approved students' examination results. To accomplish this mandate the office is divided into three sections; Examination Management, Examinations Results and Transcripts and Graduation & Certification. Email Address: examinations@tenp.ac.ke
Examinations are very important component of a students academic life and students are expected to familiarize themselves with the Examination Policy Manual. End of term Examinations shall be conducted in the 14th and 15th week of the term and it is important to note that there are two categories of examination: Continuous Assessment Test (CAT) and Ordinary Examination. Continuous assessment test may take any or a combination of the following forms: practicum or formal test while Ordinary Examinations are examinations that are taken at the end of the term. In order to qualify to sit for Polytechnic examinations, a student must be a bonified member of the polytechnic and maintain an attendance of 75%. Every student who is registered for polytechnic's examinations will be issued with an examination card by their respective departments which must be produced at each examination sitting. A student who experiences a problem, which is likely to affect his/her examination performance (i.e. sickness, bereavement etc.) must report before sitting the examinations such problems in writing to the HOD offering the courses the student is taking. Any problem that is reported after the examination results are known will not be admissible for examination appeals.

Examinations Frequently Asked Questions
Academic transcripts are issued to students as evidence of courses taken and the grades attained in each course as per relevant polytechnic's grading system. The preparation of transcripts is dependent on the receipt of complete, accurate and up-to-date consolidated marksheets from the Departments. The Registrar, shall immediately after results are approved by the academic board, initiate the process of updating transcripts. Transcripts may be released to student or sponsor once they are needed.
Failure to sit for examinations with good course Supplementary Examinations must be done within 3 months from the date the examination results are declared. score cannot exceed 40%.
Taking full prescribed course study for the course unit (coursework, CAT, assignments and examinations) Failed Supplementary score cannot exceed 40%.
Failure to sit for examinations with no good course,Failed in any course after 4 attempts, Exhausted the maximum period
Soon after the declaration of the examination results by Departments/School/Institutes, students who are dissatisfied with their results, may appeal to the Principal.
Any conduct that endangers level playing ground and which may therefore expose assessment and examination processes to disrepute is considered academic misconduct. Academic misconduct may take the form of collusion, impersonation, fabrication of results, cheating, and plagiarism.
Collusion is when two or more candidates participate in writing a coursework and submitting as work of one candidate.
Impersonation is where a person other than the identified candidate prepares the works for submission as a coursework or sits a test/examination on behalf of the bonafide candidate.
Fabrication is inserting imagined data and claiming the data was collected from real setting. Adjusting part of data collected from real setting to suit a particular outcome is also considered fabrication.
Cheating in examination is accessing material relevant to the examination and making reference from it.
Plagiarism means to take and use another person's ideas or work and pass these off as one's own by failing to give appropriate acknowledgement.
It is a mandatory requirement that all candidates clear with the Polytechnic for them to collect any academic document at the Examinations Office. Clearance forms are available at the Admissions Office. Other Requirements Candidates have to present themselves in person with original national identification card or valid driving license or valid passport at the Examinations Office to collect academic documents. They will be expected to remember their admission numbers.
It is policy of the Polytechnic that we do not print duplicate academic certificates Duplicate academic transcripts attract a fee per set. Certifying Copies of Original Academic Documents This will also attract a fee.
It is expected that candidates collect their academic certificates within three (3) months from the date these certificates are received at the Examinations Office. Certificates collected thereafter will attract a fee per year.