Since the department was established it has always endeavored to establish courses which are on high demand in the labor market. The courses offered in the department are market driven and it has grown and expanded in terms of courses and the enrolment of students over the years since its inception. The earliest started course was Diploma courses in Electronics Engineering which was started in 1992; followed by Diploma in Electrical Engineering (Power option ) which was started in 2004. Telecommunication, Instrumentation and Control Engineering courses were the latets to be established in 2007 as a resulted of demands by the labour market, which required skilled manpower in this area of study. Since the inception of electrical department, students enrolment has been on upward trend.All the courses are running in their full capacities and the current population of students in the Department is 378 with a teaching force of 19 lecturers. This number of students spread across the already established courses which run on full time basis

Entry requirements for modular courses are KCSE mean grade of C- (minus) or Craft certificate in the appropriate field. Technician Diploma in Electrical and Electronics entry requirement are D+ with at least D+ in Mathematics and Physics while for Technician Certificate in electrical and electronics engineering is KCSE D with at least D in Mathematics and Physics. Despite the progress being made in enrolment of students and expansion of physical facilities, the department still faces the following challenges: The capacity to handle high number of applicants due to limited vacancies available. High rate of teaching staff leaving for greener pastures mainly to Universities for employment.